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Hi all --

I'm looking for the 32-bit version of dbns16.exe. I can only find one version in the BIN64 folder, which obv won't run on a 32-bit Windows. Does a 32-bit version exist?

Thanks -- michael~

asked 22 Oct '14, 16:34

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FWIW, I have installed on a Win7 64-bit system, and it certainly does contain both a dbns16.exe in the Bin32 and Bin64 subfolders.

(23 Oct '14, 03:26) Volker Barth

This issue is related to a problem with the installer that interprets this as a server component. To get that file installed, you need to install the 32 bit server components. There are plans to address this but in the meantime installing the 32 server will get you that utility.

(23 Oct '14, 10:04) Chris Keating

The problem with the broadcast listener not starting was fixed in Engineering Case #770324 and is available in (SP19) or later.

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answered 23 Oct '14, 13:22

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Chris Keating
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edited 23 Oct '14, 13:29

I have reported this as Engineering Case#772920. I will post updates once this issue has been investigated.

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answered 22 Oct '14, 16:50

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Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

Thank you, Volker.. you gave me the thought to install SA.16 on a 32-bit machine, lo and behold, there it is in the Bin32 folder.

Now I just have to figure out how to get it to run.. using: "dbns16 <target ip="">", it immediately terminates. No error message, no event log entry, nothing. Frustrating...

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answered 23 Oct '14, 09:59

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You may try getting debug messages via "dbns16 -o MyConsole.log -z <ip-address>".

(23 Oct '14, 10:05) Volker Barth
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Still nothing.. the log file doesn't even get created.

(23 Oct '14, 10:14) thatguy000
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I've seen that doc, but it doesn't really help for troubleshooting.. I've tried starting dbns16 with and without the IP of the target machine.. even tried creating it as a service, but as soon as I start it, Windows pops a message saying the process stopped immediately. No idea what I'm missing here..

(23 Oct '14, 10:26) thatguy000

What does happen when you use localhost as IP?

(23 Oct '14, 10:32) Volker Barth

What is the exact message that is reported? It is a standard Windows crash dialog? Or something else? Crashes should be logged in the SA diagnostics directory. Can you check to see if there are any files in that location?


(23 Oct '14, 10:57) Chris Keating
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Tried running "dbns16 localhost" with the same outcome -- nothing happens.

There is no error message, nothing in Windows events, no log files.. I'll hit enter on the command-line, dbns16 will show for about one second in the Process list in Task Manager, then disappear and I'm back to a prompt.

If it helps, I'm trying to run this on Windows 7, 32-bit, stand-alone workstation (no db engine running here), since the help docs said it shouldn't be run on the db server.

(23 Oct '14, 11:08) thatguy000

Can you check to see if there is anything in the diagnostics directory?

Can you confirm the version and build that your are trying?

(23 Oct '14, 12:07) Chris Keating
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The only two files I have on this machine are dbns16.exe and dblgen16.dll (in the same folder). What other dependencies would dbns16 have? Would it still write to a diags folder somewhere (and where would that be)?

The version of both dbns16.exe and dblgen16.dll is

(23 Oct '14, 12:19) thatguy000
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Thank you for the possible solution.. I'm currently trying to get our Sybase customer number from our [inept] reseller, so I can log into the client portal and download the latest service pack.. I'll update if/when I get the updated version of dbns16/dblgen16.

I thought computers were supposed to make things easier.

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answered 23 Oct '14, 15:37

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question asked: 22 Oct '14, 16:34

question was seen: 1,956 times

last updated: 23 Oct '14, 15:37