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Hi! SQL Anywhere Backup Utility. Did work well using version via cron using root. At some point (start to use version couldn't use it – got error "Database server not found ". Command did work only under logged in user account on which was software installed. Even same user cron didn't work. I'd add with /c also parameter LINKS=All (also tcpip) and now I got error's "Communication error Not connected to a database Database backup failed", but db and log was created. Any ideas? Probably I missed something. SLES 11 SP2. More thanks, Alar.

asked 29 Jul '14, 08:24

SybAlf's gravatar image

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edited 29 Jul '14, 08:26

That seems to be a general connection problem. Here's a general list from the v12 doc set - I hope it's at least helful as a starting point:

Troubleshooting connections- A checklist of common problems

What EBF are you using currently - still

(29 Jul '14, 09:18) Volker Barth
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question asked: 29 Jul '14, 08:24

question was seen: 1,321 times

last updated: 29 Jul '14, 09:19