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Hello I am new to sqlanywhere have experience from MSSQL I have not really figured how to use sqlanywhere tools to access a running databse to view index, database structure and so on.

does someone have any starter information to get me going ?

thank you in advance.

asked 24 Apr '14, 04:24

danvik's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Apr '14, 08:27

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey


This is probably a good place to start: Getting Started with SQL Anywhere The docs are quite readable and have a lot of good explanations as well as reference material.

You don't say which version you are using - these docs are for v12, earlier and later versions are similar but not exactly the same. The latest version is 16.

The tool you will probably want to start with is Sybase Central which fulfils a similar role to the Management Studio tool for MSSQL.

One important thing to know coming from the MSSQL world is that SQLA has no "Master" database on a server - login credentials belong to each individual database. Also, if you are looking around the internet for things, remember that SQL Anywhere is a completely different product from Sybase Enterprise (ASE) and instructions for that will not necessarily apply.

Do come back here with any questions you have - it's a pretty friendly forum compared with many! Just specify which version you are using and as much detail as you can about what you have tried and is giving you problems.

Good luck

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answered 24 Apr '14, 06:32

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%


you will find a couple of videos on YouTube, for example created under the account "SAP Technology".

The video "SAP D&T Academy - How to Connect to a SQL Anywhere Database" should help you.

Kind regards,


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answered 24 Apr '14, 09:52

Dietrich's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 24 Apr '14, 04:24

question was seen: 2,555 times

last updated: 24 Apr '14, 09:52