Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.

Here is what I get, after I provide the required info and submitt (I get to this downloads page indirectly and automatically, after being asked to provide some info):

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. Error code: ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH

Any ideas what is going on?

asked 13 Apr '14, 09:18

tzup's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The Survival Kit contains Patience, Perserverence and Pliancy.

Patience enough to wait for Happy Times to return.

Perserverence enough to avoid missing a window of opportunity.

Pliancy enough to try alternative search paths.

Big things are happening with Sybase-related content so you really need the survival kit.

(13 Apr '14, 10:18) Breck Carter

Sorry for the inconvenience. You've somehow gotten to an old version of the download that was moved to a new location last week. If you go to this page and register, you should get a proper download link.

If you could post the link you started from that got you to the wrong download, post it here and I will pass it along to the marketing folks to make sure it has been updated.

permanent link

answered 13 Apr '14, 10:18

Jason%20Hinsperger's gravatar image

Jason Hinspe...
accept rate: 35%


I started here:

Then tried to get a free trial from here and got a 404 not found:

I was finally able to get it by registering a new trial account (don't remember from which page that worked and don't care anymore). I just don't get it, why is it so difficult to get to a trial download?

Although I like Breck's comments, the whole situation is less funny when doing this over the wend on a pet project that might end up requiring a real license to run SQL Anywhere, UltraLite and Mobilink.

(13 Apr '14, 10:41) tzup
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You are right. It should not be that hard to get a trial version of the software. We are working to improve the process, and will keep working at it until we no longer see posts like yours.

(14 Apr '14, 16:24) Jason Hinspe...
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question asked: 13 Apr '14, 09:18

question was seen: 2,022 times

last updated: 14 Apr '14, 16:24