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Why am I seeing this error?

I was seeing the same “build does not match” error on a different Java/SQL Anywhere application using a recent build of SQL Anywhere, so tried the demo below and got the same result. I uninstalled SQL Anywhere and re-installed (which is an install I had lying around) and still see the error.

c:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 16\Samples\SQLAnywhere\JDBC>which javac
c:\program files\java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\javac.exe
c:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 16\Samples\SQLAnywhere\JDBC>dbsrv16 ..\..\demo.db
c:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 16\Samples\SQLAnywhere\JDBC>set classpath=.;%SQLANY16%\java\sajdbc4.jar
c:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 16\Samples\SQLAnywhere\JDBC>javac
c:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 16\Samples\SQLAnywhere\JDBC>java JDBCConnect
**Unexpected exception : java.sql.SQLException: The sajdbc.jar build does not match the shared object build, sqlstate = null**
c:\Users\Public\Documents\SQL Anywhere 16\Samples\SQLAnywhere\JDBC>dbeng16 -v
[dialog shows]

asked 23 Feb '14, 20:37

Tom%20Slee's gravatar image

Tom Slee
accept rate: 29%

The error is a result of having a dbjdbc16.dll which does not match the build of the jar file in my path ahead of that from the SQL Anywhere install; in my case, from an IQ install.

Fixed by

set path=%SQLANY16%\bin64;%PATH%
permanent link

answered 23 Feb '14, 20:39

Tom%20Slee's gravatar image

Tom Slee
accept rate: 29%

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question asked: 23 Feb '14, 20:37

question was seen: 4,584 times

last updated: 23 Feb '14, 22:41