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Our company has about 25 stores. We have a server in our home office that reaches out and grabs data from the Micros databases at the stores using ODBC. Everything works fine except for our newest store, where we intermittently get this error when our office server tries to connect:

Could not connect to the database.
Database server not found
SQLCODE=-100, ODBC 3 State="08001"
You are not connected to a database.

The ODBC log shows this:

09:20:31 TCP/IP link, function connect(), error code 10060
09:20:31 Failed to connect over TCPIP

We have gone through the ODBC connections and compared them between the new store and the old stores and everything matches exactly. The store server does not have a software firewall. What could cause this error?

Could it be a hardware firewall setting?

Could it be something going into sleep mode?

When I open the ODBC interface on the office server and click "Test Connection", the first time it frequently times out, but if I click "Test Connection" immediately after it will succeed. Then if I wait a few minutes it will fail again the first time but succeed immediately after.

We have tried letting the office server ping the store server for hours and it runs with no packet loss or maybe 1 or 2 packets, but it does not appear to be a connectivity issue.

The Micros servers have Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0. The office server has SQL Anywhere 10.

Any suggestions for how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!

asked 12 Aug '13, 14:22

raphael's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 12 Aug '13, 14:24


Two questions: Is there any difference in the network topology with the new store? Is the new store server listening on the standard port?

You can get a lot more information about the connection process by turning on the logging in the ODBC configuration settings. (The Advanced tab, "Display debugging information in a log file".) That might give you the clue you need, or try posing the result here in case someone can spot the problem.

(13 Aug '13, 04:09) Justin Willey
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question asked: 12 Aug '13, 14:22

question was seen: 6,805 times

last updated: 13 Aug '13, 04:09