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Apple Version dbisqlg, where is the menu shortcut F9? It's annoying to have to select the menu to execute SQL that is highlighted.

asked 28 May '13, 07:51

Bob%20Piskac's gravatar image

Bob Piskac
accept rate: 0%

edited 28 May '13, 09:00

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

What version of SQL Anywhere are you using?

(28 May '13, 09:00) Mark Culp

(28 May '13, 09:17) Bob Piskac

Sorry my Apple version is 12.01.3901.

(28 May '13, 09:19) Bob Piskac

OS X has predefined functions assigned to the function keys (F1..F12). In general, applications cannot use these keys for application-specific functionality.

That said, we can assign a different shortcut key to the menu (e.g. Ctrl+some letter). Would that make things easier for you?

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answered 28 May '13, 09:52

Chris%20Irie's gravatar image

Chris Irie
accept rate: 46%

Why does F5 work just fine?

(28 May '13, 09:56) Bob Piskac

If you are going to force me to write a sample application with xCode that uses the F9 key, I will.

(28 May '13, 10:21) Bob Piskac

Or better yet, I will write a java application.

(28 May '13, 10:55) Bob Piskac
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question asked: 28 May '13, 07:51

question was seen: 2,042 times

last updated: 28 May '13, 13:00