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I start a new Network Database Sever on Windows 8 64bit Home Edition using SQL Anywhere 12 Version 12.0.1.EBF 3873 and keep getting the following TCPIP link error code 10013 from the console:

Trying to start TCPIP link ...

Starting on port 2638

TCP/IP link, function listen, error code 10013

TCPIP link started successfully

Now accepting requests

Please help!


asked 09 May '13, 05:18

Eugene's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Help with what? It is saying "Now accepting requests" which usually means the server is up and running and happy.

FWIW socket errors like 10013 are described in gory technical detail here.

10013 is a "permission denied" error... it might be a firewall issue.

Are you able to connect to this server?

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answered 09 May '13, 07:53

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 09 May '13, 07:56

We are able to connect to the server. We had shut down the firewall too. But the problem persist. We had also tried to install on Win 7 professional (64 bit) and Win 8 Enterprise edition, the TCPIP error disappear. The error only occurred on Windows 8 Home edition. Is that mean SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 not work on Windows 8 Home edition?


(10 May '13, 06:21) Eugene

According to this page there are two reasons for this error:

Permission denied.

An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. An example is using a broadcast address for sendto without broadcast permission being set using setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST).

Another possible reason for the WSAEACCES error is that when the bind function is called (on Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later), another application, service, or kernel mode driver is bound to the same address with exclusive access. Such exclusive access is a new feature of Windows NT 4.0 with SP4 and later, and is implemented by using the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE option.

Since I doubt the issue is a permission problem (the first case - unless it is a firewall issue as Breck has suggested?), I suspect that the issue is that there is another application already using port 2638. Check to make sure that the port is not in use by running

netstat -a

and check to see if there is any Local Address using port 2638.

If the port is in use then you can use another port by adding the "-x tcpip{port=1234}" option (where '1234' is any port of your choosing) to your server command line.

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answered 09 May '13, 07:57

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 09 May '13, 08:00

We have used netstat -a and the port is not used. We have also tried other port using -x tcpip(port=xxx) command, the error still comes up.

We have also tried to install on Win 7 professional (64 bit) and Win 8 Enterprise edition, the TCPIP error disappear. The error only occurred on Windows 8 Home edition. Is that mean SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 not work on Windows 8 Home edition?

(10 May '13, 06:25) Eugene
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question asked: 09 May '13, 05:18

question was seen: 11,323 times

last updated: 10 May '13, 06:25