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The Event tracing Help topic for 16.0 says this...

"System trace events These are trace events that the database server generates. Trace events are generated for operations such as starting or ending a checkpoint and starting or stopping a database."

... but SELECT * FROM sp_trace_events() doesn't seem to list any events for checkpoints.

asked 31 Mar '13, 10:41

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

Currently in 16.0 system trace events exist for request level log, http/https log, and console log. There is no specified system trace event for checkpoints (yet!) but you can use the SYS_ConsoleLog_Information system trace event to capture database checkpoints. You will have to filter the output for checkpoint to retrieve only database checkpoint events.

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answered 04 Apr '13, 10:39

Mohammed%20Abouzour's gravatar image

Mohammed Abo...
accept rate: 37%


If we're talking about kludges, the sa_server_messages() procedure has been around since Version 11, and is more useful because you can SELECT from it... unlike the trace event feature which is only available through a yuck external file. In fact, I'm having a great deal of difficulty figuring out what trace events are good for. Certainly, the Help should not brag about functionality (checkpoint logging) it does not implement.

(04 Apr '13, 15:51) Breck Carter
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question asked: 31 Mar '13, 10:41

question was seen: 1,095 times

last updated: 04 Apr '13, 15:51