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I am facing issues to restore the SQL anywhere database provided to me. When I am trying to restore the database I am getting the following error:

The database archive could not be restored. Error during backup/Restore: Unable to open the device. Unknown err status reading HDR labels.

When I am trying to open it using SQL anywhere I am getting the following error:

The database could not be started on the server. Unable to start specified database: the database was created by a different version of the software.

I am Using Sybase central 6.0.1 and SQL anywhere 12.0.1.

Any help would be appreciated.

-- Regards, Abhishek.

asked 23 Mar '13, 06:04

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So what version has the database been created with?

From the v12.0.1 docs:

Sybase Central only supports SQL Anywhere versions 10x and later databases
Support for version 9 database servers and databases created with version 9 software has been removed from the SQL Anywhere plug-in. When unloading and reloading the database into a reload file, or into a new or existing database, you can still connect to a database created with version 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 software running on a version 9 or later database server.

(23 Mar '13, 07:23) Volker Barth

Thanks for the reply. The database has been created with SQL anywhere version 9.0. I am even trying to unload the database(created in version 9.0) using version 12.0 but it is taking loads of time...

(26 Mar '13, 07:06) Abhishek
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As Volker wrote, SA12 won't open a database created with ASA9 or previous versions. So if there's no ASA9 engine available to you, unloading the database to be rebuild into a new SA12 db looks like your only choice. In my experience the fastest way is to unload directly into a new database.

(26 Mar '13, 07:39) Reimer Pods
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question asked: 23 Mar '13, 06:04

question was seen: 6,207 times

last updated: 26 Mar '13, 08:54