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Can anybody please advise how I can register/install/configure the SQL Anywhere 12 32-bit ODBC driver? This is needed for client tool to work. It is for Win 2008 Server R2. The current installation has two folders "/BIN32" and "/BIN64" in the following "...sqlanywhere" folder. The link

talks about this issue.

I have two folders (/BIN32 and /BIN64). The link seems to be good but I do not have a dbodbc12.dll in /BIN32 folder. It only exists in /BIN64 folder.

Can anybody please help me resolve this issue?

I will appreciate your help.



asked 08 Mar '13, 11:56

Sury's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would try checking the SQL Anywhere 12 MSI for whether or not the 32-bit components were installed (if they existed within the MSI).

1.) Programs and Features -> Right-click "SQL Anywhere 12" -> Change

2.) Go through the wizard and first select "Modify". If the 32-bit components show they were fully installed, I would then run back through the wizard selecting "Repair".

Do you know whether or not you installed SQL Anywhere 12 from a custom MSI? If you are installing from a custom MSI that doesn't include the 32-bit server components, I would download and install the SA 12 developer edition to another machine and select the necessary SA 12 ODBC DLL, dbodbc12.dll, from that install's BIN32, and copy it over to your original machine.

Once the ODBC DLL is copied over, you can then register the DLL using regsrv32 as instructed by the documentation link you've provided in your original post.

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answered 08 Mar '13, 12:54

Ben%20Magazino's gravatar image

Ben Magazino
accept rate: 0%

Donn't forget that you have to use a different control panel applet to configure 32-bit ODBC drivers for 32-bit applications.


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answered 09 Mar '13, 07:27

BudDurland's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Mar '13, 08:06

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

The current SQL Anywhere 12 driver download can be found at the following link, and is subject to your distribution license.

If you do not have a distribution license, the driver download is restricted to a 60-day evaluation or developer license (for non-production scenarios).

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answered 12 Mar '13, 22:06

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 08 Mar '13, 11:56

question was seen: 5,538 times

last updated: 12 Mar '13, 22:06