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Ready for download now: SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 16 Developer Edition Registration.

Also available: The docs for SQL Anywhere 16.

Coming soon: Jason Hinsperger's webcast Data Management Features in SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 16.0 on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 1:00 PM EST.

asked 05 Mar '13, 10:37

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 05 Mar '13, 10:45

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Shush, it's stealth software, let everyone find out by themselves...

(05 Mar '13, 10:47) Volker Barth

@Mark: Thanx for fixing the links, and for reminding me to "test!" :)

(05 Mar '13, 11:01) Breck Carter

Thank you thank you thank you! I have been trying to download this for days and I finally was able to do it, thanks to the link in this thread.

(12 Mar '14, 17:05) Mary K

I was able to download the SQL Anywhere 16 developer edition installer from this path.


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answered 16 Sep '13, 03:18

Wajahat%20Raza's gravatar image

Wajahat Raza
accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Sep '13, 03:28

Thank you for the link! I have been trying to download this from the SAP website for days. Now I have it, finally.

(12 Mar '14, 17:06) Mary K

It's not only stealth software, but it also uses stealth registration: I completed the registration form and waited for the promised mail, which didn't come. I tried the same thing again, with the same result (now a week ago).

To complete my frustration, I've tried to follow the recommendation and sent a mail to, with the same result. Seems like my requests where piped to /dev/null.

permanent link

answered 11 Mar '13, 08:36

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

Hm, I have filled the registration on Wednesday (2013-03-06) and got the expected mail with a developer key within minutes, so I could immediately install the v16 dev version.

Furthermore, I got a mail notification on Thursday that the new version is available within our company's SPC account. That came as a surprise, as for previous versions, it usually took some time (and sometimes, some more mails with sales ...) until those paid versions were available.

(11 Mar '13, 08:52) Volker Barth

Check your spam folder.

(11 Mar '13, 09:47) Breck Carter
Comment Text Removed

I've tried for the third time (using IE instead of FF as the browser). This time the developer key arrived in my inbox within less than a minute.

So thanks for the feedback that encouraged me to retry the registration.

permanent link

answered 11 Mar '13, 10:36

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

after many frustrated attempt for months I was able get the product key within minutes today but I continued find lots of frustration downloading from SAP, until I found this thread download from like Wajahat Raza posted.

Many thanks to Wajahat.

sure hope SAP got its integration act together soon

(28 Oct '13, 19:17) G_G

No support for Ultralite on Windows Phone?

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answered 20 Mar '14, 07:16

ShaoChan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


UltraLite is supported for Windows 8 store applications and Windows Phone 8 applications in v16 with build 1716 or later.

(20 Mar '14, 08:57) Chris Keating
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Thanks Chris. I assume that either this is a later release or that the documentation hasn't been updated yet?

(20 Mar '14, 09:00) ShaoChan

FWIW, some (but not all) enhancements added in SPs are documented in DCX here:

SQL Anywhere 16.0 Support Package enhancements .

Apparently, those introduced after build 1691 are missing here...

(20 Mar '14, 09:24) Volker Barth

You will need to update the GA release to a service pack with build 1716 or later to get this change. You will find a new directory UltraLiteWinRT which contains the binaries and a PDF containing documentation on the API.

(20 Mar '14, 10:00) Chris Keating
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question asked: 05 Mar '13, 10:37

question was seen: 21,499 times

last updated: 20 Mar '14, 10:00