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Hi everybody, we want to use SA12 with JConnect6, JBoss7 and XA transactions.

After configuration of the JConnect driver my connection test runs into an "The server does not support XA-style transactions. Please verify that the transaction feature is enabled and licensed on this server." exception.

So my question, does SA12 supports XA transactions?

Thx Carsten

asked 21 Feb '13, 04:55

Carsten%20Rambow's gravatar image

Carsten Rambow
accept rate: 0%

If I am not mistaken, you do not necessarily need XA support to use JBoss. It has been many years since I last had to answer a JBoss question, so my information may be outdated, but I recall that we had several customers who had success by using the XADataSource to DataSource wrappers built into JBoss. Those wrappers work with drivers like the SQL Anywhere JDBC Driver that implement the DataSource methods but not the XADataSource methods. You might want to look into whether these wrappers still exist in the version of JBoss you are using, and if so, then see if that will get you passed the problem. If the wrappers still exist but they do not work with jConnect, then consider switching to the SQL Anywhere JDBC Driver instead and use the wrappers with that driver.

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answered 22 Feb '13, 11:16

Karim%20Khamis's gravatar image

Karim Khamis
accept rate: 40%

I can't tell myself - but here is an answer from "Nick Elson [Sybase An SAP Company]"on a similar question "Does ASA 11 support XA-transactions?" from the general newsgroup:

Outside of support of the MS DTC model, there is not support for the more general X/Open DTP model.

If it helps, the database server can participate in client side implementations of 2PC (2 Phase commit) using the PREPARE TO COMMIT statement.

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answered 21 Feb '13, 05:41

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Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 21 Feb '13, 05:56

Nick's answer for SA 11 quoted by Volker is still correct for v12 (as well as for the about-to-be-release next major version of SA). The request for XA support periodically comes up (but not very often) and it is on our list of possible future enhancements for SA.

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answered 21 Feb '13, 09:37

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Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

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question asked: 21 Feb '13, 04:55

question was seen: 3,803 times

last updated: 22 Feb '13, 11:16