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Hi All,

Is there any way I can get the php ext module for php 5.3.19? I am using IIS 6 on win server 2003, SA


asked 05 Feb '13, 01:20

seri175's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We are in the process of testing the driver before they can be posted on the web site. You should be able to use the php-5.3.18 driver in the meantime.

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answered 06 Feb '13, 15:51

Mohammed%20Abouzour's gravatar image

Mohammed Abo...
accept rate: 37%

Already did that. But getting the PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:Program FilesPHPv5.3extphp-5.3.18_sqlanywhere.dll' - The specified module could not be found. Both SA 12 and php v5.3 already in the path. The php-5.3.18_sqlanywhere.dll is also copied to the v.5.3ext directory.

btw, can I call .bat file using this external object functionality? I was thinking of putting the php file in batch file and then call the batch file from SA. Can it be done?

(06 Feb '13, 21:41) seri175

Sounds like you want to execute php from the command line:

(10 Feb '13, 22:06) Mark
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question asked: 05 Feb '13, 01:20

question was seen: 3,059 times

last updated: 10 Feb '13, 22:06