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I've been trying to set up and test to see how this live backup thing works and have been having trouble getting to backup utility to run to monitor the log.

I type the following in a command window:

dbbackup -l c:\backup\blog.log -c "uid=dba;pwd=mypswd;eng=mydb;dbn=mydb;links=tcpip"

And all that happens is I get back the usage message. I am able to get a regular full backup to run.

asked 27 Apr '12, 14:15

Brian%20S's gravatar image

Brian S
accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Apr '12, 23:11

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

btw I'm using SQL Anywhere 11

(27 Apr '12, 14:22) Brian S

Should be ...-l c:backupblog.log ...

(27 Apr '12, 14:24) Brian S

Do you have several instances of SQL Anywhere installed (including very old versions like v5/v6), and may it be that an older dbbackup version may be called incidentally, as it appears earlier in the PATH environment variable? - If so, specifying the SQL Anywhere program path (as Derli has suggested) should resolve the issue.

(29 Apr '12, 07:36) Volker Barth

I am using SA 12 so it may not be exactly your case but can you try using the full path for dbbackup and the -y redirection?

For instance:

"C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 12\bin32\dbbackup" -c "UID=xxx;PWD=yyyy;DBN=mydbn;ENG=myeng;LINKS=tcpip;" -y "R:\APPS\DATABASE"

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answered 27 Apr '12, 15:45

Derli%20Marcochi's gravatar image

Derli Marcochi
accept rate: 33%

edited 27 Apr '12, 16:14

dbbackup -c "uid=dba;pwd=mypswd;eng=mydb;dbn=mydb;links=tcpip" -l c:\backup\blog.log c:\backup

Works for me in V10.

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answered 28 Apr '12, 06:08

Dmitri's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Instead of the command line, you can set up events in Sybase Central with a schedule.

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answered 28 Apr '12, 12:11

Tom%20Mangano's gravatar image

Tom Mangano
accept rate: 8%

The BACKUP statement cannot be used to start a live backup, only dbbackup can do that.

(28 Apr '12, 18:03) Breck Carter
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question asked: 27 Apr '12, 14:15

question was seen: 3,037 times

last updated: 29 Apr '12, 07:36