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How can I convert from DateTime to Gregorian?

I need the reverse of this:

--Convert from Gregorian to DateTime:

select DATEFORMAT(cast(UTCBigintToNOMTime(135728021882620000) as DATETIME), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') as myDateTime;

Result: "2012-11-21 08:49:48"

asked 07 Dec '12, 17:38

sybasetester's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is going to be something like:

select datediff( second, @gregorian_day0, '2012-11-21 08:49:48' )

for some @gregorian_day0 - perhaps '01-01-01 00:00:00'? .. but due to the date shift in 1563 I'm not sure what day0 would be (the computation is left to the reader :-)

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answered 07 Dec '12, 18:22

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

According to Wiki the first day of the Gregorian calendar is Friday, 15 October 1582 link text

These returns results


select CAST(datediff( day, 'Oct 15 1582' , 'Nov 21 2012 08:49:48') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME


select CAST(datediff( year, 'Oct 15 1582', 'Nov 21 2012 08:49:48') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME

Why does this not return a result?


select CAST(datediff( second, 'Oct 15 1582', 'Nov 21 2012 08:49:48') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME

(10 Dec '12, 12:18) sybasetester
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select CAST(datediff( day, 'Oct 15 1582' , 'Nov 21 2012 08:49:48') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME;
select CAST(datediff( year, 'Oct 15 1582', 'Nov 21 2012 08:49:48') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME;
select CAST(datediff( second, 'Oct 15 1582', 'Nov 21 2012 08:49:48') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME;
(10 Dec '12, 13:37) Breck Carter


I get this error message: Value datediff(second,1582-10-15 00:00:00.000000,2012-11-21 08:49:48.000000) out of range for destination

(10 Dec '12, 14:08) sybasetester

What is the exact SQL statement that you are running to see this message? Are you really trying to store the result in a variable? If so, what is the variable type? The following statement also works for myself:

 select @@VERSION, CAST(datediff( second, '1582-10-15 00:00:00.000000', '2012-11-21 08:49:48.000000') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME

(10 Dec '12, 14:52) Jeff Albion

This gives a result:

select @@VERSION, CAST(datediff( day, '1582-10-15 00:00:00.000000', '2012-11-21 08:49:48.000000') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME


This doesn't:

select @@VERSION, CAST(datediff( second, '1582-10-15 00:00:00.000000', '2012-11-21 08:49:48.000000') AS CHAR) as myDATETIME

(10 Dec '12, 15:00) sybasetester

I believe the problem stems from the fact that datediff returns a 32bit integer and the number of seconds in 157092 days is too large to fit into an integer! :-(

i.e. 157092*86400 > 2^31

... which is basically what Breck said 2 hours ago.

sadly, I checked the code and the calculation is done using 64bit integers but the routine is defined to return a signed 32bit int so the value overflows the maximum hence the "out of range for destination error" that is raised

(10 Dec '12, 17:01) Mark Culp

So we need to upgrade from version to

Or is there some way to cast to other data types for the calculation to work?

(10 Dec '12, 18:50) sybasetester

From the v12 docs (SQL Anywhere behavior changes):

DATEDIFF function
In previous releases, the DATEDIFF function returned an INTEGER for date parts of hours and smaller. DATEDIFF now returns an a BIGINT for these date parts. See DATEDIFF function Date and time.

That sound like a reason to upgrade...

(11 Dec '12, 04:03) Volker Barth
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Um, November 21 2012 is a Gregorian date... what exactly are you asking?

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answered 09 Dec '12, 10:15

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 07 Dec '12, 17:38

question was seen: 5,854 times

last updated: 22 Oct '23, 10:40