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For Remote Data Access, the docs still recommend SQLSVR32.DLL, based on MS SQL Server version 6.5, Service Pack 4.

For MobiLink, the according online doc page recommends the newer SQL Native Client DLL (SQLNCLI.DLL/SQLNCLI10.DLL), particularly:

  • for MS SQL Server 2005: 2005.90.xxxx.00
  • for MS SQL Server 2008: 2009.100.xxxx.xx

Can (or should) Remote Data Access also make use of these newer MS client libraries, at least when using MS SQL Server 2005 or above as remote database server?

asked 14 Aug '12, 16:03

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 14 Aug '12, 16:04

With SQL Anywhere 12.0.1, I have successfully used both the SQL Server ODBC driver version 06.01.7601 as well as the SQL Server Native Client Version 10.00.1600 driver with SQL Server 2008.

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answered 15 Aug '12, 09:40

JBSchueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

I can't answer the question but I can say that there is no ODBC driver version coordination between the MobiLink team and the remote data access (proxy table) team. The decisions on drivers and such are completely independent because the requirements are significantly different. Generally, MobiLink tends to have more strict requirements of an ODBC driver than the proxy table gear does.

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answered 15 Aug '12, 09:19

RussC_FromSAP's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 14 Aug '12, 16:03

question was seen: 5,215 times

last updated: 15 Aug '12, 09:40