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As previously mentioned I am working on a Enterprise application which involves Mobilink Synchronisation between MS-SQL server and iPad. Its already up and running four sync models. Now the consolidated db has been modified (No DELETE took place, only addition of some columns and few fresh tables have been added) Now I want to create another sync model including the new ones. I am using following steps.

1.Create a new synchronisation model by right clicking the already existing model. So that the configuration of the existing model gets applied to the newly created model. It will lead to the “creating synchronisation model” again. Select the tables that are to be added newly to the new synchronisation model. Change options if needed and save.

2.Right click on the sync model and select 'Update Schema'. While updating the schema for remote database, the following error wizard appears.

"Not all selected tables have primary key selected" Followed by a list of tables.

3.After deselccting the tables updation of schema is done properly.

4.Now the Deployment of the newly created model has to be done, Choose the type of remote database, while selecting the new ultralite database the following warning appears.

"Cannot deploy to an Ultralite remote database because some synchronized tables do not have all columns synchronized." Followed by a list of columns.

5.If we proceed with the 'OK', the model will be deployed and it will create an ultralite db. But the sync gets failed while trying to sync with the server using the same db with 1305 error code, it gets stabilise after some time with single error code(794) and while checking in the error log, it shows that the synchronisation is done successfully.

6.Alternatively if we select 'SQL anywhere' database to create and synchronisation client option other than the new ultralite database, the SQL script is generated with commands along with a sql anywhere db. Create a blank db in ultralite and try running the .sql file on the same. This also throws errors as alteration commands to tables cant not get executed.

Kindly let me know if the process is right and it is a limitations of Mobilink or am I missing anything.

asked 06 Aug '12, 04:42

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Since you say "the synchronisation is done successfully", the answer to your question is "yes, the process must be right because the synchronization was successful, and no, you are not missing anything because the synchronization was successful.

If you have still have a question, please ask it, but ask it up front, in the subject: "How do I [do some thing or get past some problem]?"

This is a volunteer forum, so please ask specific questions, one at a time, not multiple open-ended general questions.

(06 Aug '12, 09:36) Breck Carter
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AS I said, LOG is showing sync getting successful but in the sync console it is leading to different of error codes saying "error while syncronization". My specific question is, what is the reason behind it. And I did check the Ultralite DB after sync, no data there.

(07 Aug '12, 04:20) Bose

First deal with the cannot deploy to UL error. Make sure every remote column maps to a consolidated column. There could be an unmapped column or the remote schema stored in the model may contain extra columns that shouldn't be there.

(07 Aug '12, 11:39) Michael Thode
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question asked: 06 Aug '12, 04:42

question was seen: 3,045 times

last updated: 07 Aug '12, 11:39