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Recently,Our customer complained that the mobilink upload is very slow and causing remote application hang in a production environment . so we did a sync test with the following scenario.

Server 1) Adaptive Server Anywhere MobiLink Version 2) IBM AIX 5.3 with 62GB Memory 3) Sybase ASE EE as Consolidated database Client 1) Windows XP 2) Adaptive Server Anywhere MobiLink Version 9.0.2

Network LAN

Mobilink Sync took 45 min to upload 5000 rows in a table for a single client . we are puzzling why is it taking such a long time ?

asked 03 Jul '12, 22:03

vhm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

More information is needed, starting with the verbose diagnostic log files from both the MobiLink server and MobiLink clients.

"%ASANY9%\win32\dbmlsrv9.exe" -o dbmlsrv9_log.txt -os 1M -v cfhnpstu ...

"%ASANY9%\win32\dbmlsync.exe" -o dbmlsync_log.txt -os 1M -vnosu ...

Post the files here. They will help answer the FIRST question, "Where is the time going? On the remote client computer, on the network, or on the consolidated server computer?"

You won't be able to upload the files until you get 100 of those "reputation points" on this forum, so if they are too large to post inside your question, email them to me at breck carter gmail com.

There may be more questions to follow.

(04 Jul '12, 05:16) Breck Carter

Hi Breck,

Thanks for your response. I will post the information once i finished the diagnostic based on your recommendation.


(04 Jul '12, 06:10) vhm
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Can you please attach the files to your question rather than put them in comments? They are not formatted so all the lines run together, plus the fact that they are split over a bunch of comments makes them very difficult to read. As Breck said, normally you need a reputation score of 100 before you can upload but I have temporarily reduced that so you can attach the files. Please delete all the comments once you have done that.

(05 Jul '12, 23:37) Graeme Perrow

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answered 06 Jul '12, 00:30

vhm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please try again.

This time, please run a synchronization that works, not one that fails... if the failure is the problem, not performance, please ask a different question.

Also, please do not use -v+.

Please use the the -v option values that were suggested earlier (-v+ includes "r" which produces thousands of lines of unnecessary output that makes analysis much more difficult):

"%ASANY9%\win32\dbmlsrv9.exe" ... -v cfhnpstu ...

"%ASANY9%\win32\dbmlsync.exe" ... -vnosu ...

(06 Jul '12, 06:16) Breck Carter
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@Breck: And you do know these -v flags by heart, dont, you? I'm impressed...

(06 Jul '12, 06:27) Volker Barth

Nothing to be impressed about. I have template *.bat files for executing db*.exe stuff. IMO -v+ should be removed from the product.

(06 Jul '12, 07:03) Breck Carter

Hopefully, you did not start the MobiLink server with -dl, because -dl will force the MobiLink server to display every single message on the GUI and it will dramatically reduce the performance. Both the upload_insert script and data look very reasonable. Do you have any triggers defined for the upload table? Please also check the CPU utilization of the machine that runs ASE, when the sync is running.

(07 Jul '12, 17:13) Yufei Guo
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question asked: 03 Jul '12, 22:03

question was seen: 2,955 times

last updated: 07 Jul '12, 17:13