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I have 1 server with 2 databases on it. How can I stop both database? This would seem easy but for me to stop a database I have to connect to one first. So when I connect to db1 on server x I can stop db2 and vice versa. But this would mean that I always have to be connected to at least 1 db and thus can never stop both...

asked 06 Jun '12, 06:17

Galactico076's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Two options. You can use the -d switch on dbstop, which tells it to stop the database rather than the server:

dbstop -d -c "links=tcpip;eng=server_name;DBN=database1;uid=dba;pwd=sql"
dbstop -d -c "links=tcpip;eng=server_name;DBN=database2;uid=dba;pwd=sql"

Alternatively, you can connect to the utility database and issue stop database statements. You will need to use the -su switch when starting the server:

dbisql -c "links=tcpip;eng=server_name;dbn=utility_db;uid=dba;pwd=sql" 
> stop database database1
> stop database database2
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answered 06 Jun '12, 06:42

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow
accept rate: 54%

dbstop.exe -c "commlinks=tcpip;eng=MYSERVER;uid=DBA;pwd=SQL"

permanent link

answered 06 Jun '12, 06:22

Dmitri's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


Note that this will stop the entire server, not just the two databases.

(06 Jun '12, 06:36) Graeme Perrow
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If you have a server with 2 databases, stopping both of them is the same as stopping the server.

(06 Jun '12, 07:08) Dmitri

Not necessarily, you can still have a running server - though the question is not clear about whether the database server should be stopped, as well, and I would assume that stopping the server is part of the requirement, too...

(06 Jun '12, 07:40) Volker Barth
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question asked: 06 Jun '12, 06:17

question was seen: 3,091 times

last updated: 06 Jun '12, 07:42