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Database version : 7 (yes, seven) The database consists of three files : database.db, database.log and one dbspace named sales_ct.db. The database size is about 200GB. The error code is WB002 (SQLE_BACKUP_NOT_STARTED). The users who may perform the backup have dba permissions. This means that the database "thinks" that there is a backup still in progress. Any kind of backup failed: a) client side following the dbtools approach b) server side using a custom backup event c) server side using the related procs.

The problem may caused by the missing but empty (unused) dbspace file which the customer forgot to copy at server removal.

So there are two questions: 1. How can I reset the "backup state"? 2. How can I remove and add again the missing dbspace file?

asked 21 Mar '12, 03:37

obredy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

May the following FAQ be of help?

Deleting tables of missing dbspace

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answered 21 Mar '12, 05:12

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

Sorry for late reply. Seems to work but I'm not really sure about it at all: I unload data as described skipping both tables in the missing dbspace. The log shows both tables (with zero size). This has irritated me. I thought that they will be skipped completely - so that they are not mentioned in the log. Regardless of that no error occured. After that I reload the data into a new database. Thanks.

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answered 28 Aug '12, 03:48

obredy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 21 Mar '12, 03:37

question was seen: 2,627 times

last updated: 28 Aug '12, 10:27