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While scanning the log files for messages to send, DBREMOTE writes out some 'stuff' to the directory defined by the TMP variable for the user (administrator in our case).

Can an engineer explain exactly what it is writing out? We've had some questions about how much space to allocate for such operations when clients want the "C" drive to be small.

Are the temp files it writes out proportionate to the size of the log files? (We had some oopsies and ended up with a 50GB log file in less than 24 hours !!! )

asked 31 Aug '10, 20:54

Calvin%20Allen's gravatar image

Calvin Allen
accept rate: 25%


While I can't answer your question (and never have noticed such stuff, only the message files DBREMOTE generates), you should be able to influence the destination of all temporary files SQL Anywhere creates by setting the SATMP (ASTMP for pre-v10) environment variable. SQL Anywhere will then use that variable instead of TMP.

(01 Sep '10, 07:25) Volker Barth

Yeah, the only reason we noticed it was because the C: drive filled up completely (it is only a 10GB partition, so it didnt take much).

I'll give that other variable a shot, thanks Volker

(01 Sep '10, 20:47) Calvin Allen

Is SATMP a variable I will need to create? I don't see it in the list of current variables.

(01 Sep '10, 20:49) Calvin Allen

@Calvin: Yes, SATMP is not created by the installer (in contrast to SQLANY10). You can use the MyComputer/Properties dialog to set it (preferable as a system variable).

(02 Sep '10, 07:24) Volker Barth

Fantastic! Thanks Volker!

(02 Sep '10, 11:50) Calvin Allen

[Preface: As my comments seem to have helped to solve the problem (in contrast to answer the question...), I'm repeating it as an answer - in case Calvin wants to accept it:)]

While I can't answer the underlying question (and never have noticed such stuff, only the message files DBREMOTE generates), you should be able to influence the destination of all temporary files SQL Anywhere creates by setting the SATMP (ASTMP for pre-v10) environment variable. SQL Anywhere will then use that variable instead of TMP.

Note, SATMP is not created automatically by the installer (in contrast to SQLANY10). You can use the Windows "MyComputer/Properties" dialog to set it (preferable as a system variable).

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answered 02 Sep '10, 14:16

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

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question asked: 31 Aug '10, 20:54

question was seen: 2,552 times

last updated: 02 Sep '10, 14:16