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After upgrade our product from SA10 to SA12 (12.0.1 EBF 3311) on Linux machine 64 bit CentOS 5.5. Once in few days one of database (most activities load data from files every hour and aggregate hourly data in daily data (hourly data per day around 70M records aggregated daily around 20M records)) is crashed without any 'Assertion failed'. In /var/log/messages files appears follow dbsrv12 crash -

Feb 23 05:51:55 gmidpinx1 lrmd: [4921]: info: RA output: (nx:start:stderr) *** glibc detected *** /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/bin/dbsrv12: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00002aacb809b170 ***
Feb 23 05:51:55 gmidpinx1 lrmd: [4921]: info: RA output: (nx:start:stderr) ======= Backtrace: =========
Feb 23 05:51:55 gmidpinx1 lrmd: [4921]: info: RA output: (nx:start:stderr) /lib64/[0x395387230f] /lib64/[0x395387276b] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2ceccd72c8] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2ceccd736a] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2ceccdde73] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecdc6fbd] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecc75e8e] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecc75f76] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecdc3ccd] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecc77689] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecdc3f74] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecdc61a4] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecdc275a] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecde2ab6] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/[0x2b2cecdc310c] /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/lib64/l
Feb 23 05:51:55 gmidpinx1 lrmd: [4921]: info: RA output: (nx:start:stderr) 00400000-0040f000 r-xp 00000000 08:02 23333480                           /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/bin64/dbsrv12 0060e000-00610000 rw-p 0000e000 08:02 23333480                           /opt/sybase/sqlanywhere12/bin64/dbsrv12 00610000-00620000 rw-p 00610000 00:00 0  0cc0b000-0de48000 rw-p 0cc0b000 00:00 0                                  [heap] 401fc000-401fd000 ---p 401fc000 00:00 0  401fd000-40200000 rw-p 401fd000 00:00 0  40af6000-40af7000 ---p 40af6000 00:00 0  40af7000-40afe000 rw-p 40af7000 00:00 0  40b7b000-40b7c000 ---p 40b7b000 00:00 0  40b7c000-4157c000 rw-p 40b7c000 00:00 0  4157c000-4157d000 ---p 4157c000 00:00 0  4157d000-41580000 rw-p 4157d000 00:00 0  41580000-41581000 ---p 41580000 00:00 0  41581000-415c4000 rw-p 41581000 00:00 0  418dc000-418dd000 ---p 418dc000 00:00 0  418dd000-418e8000 rw-p 418dd000 00:00 0  418e8000-418e9000 ---p 418e8000 00:00 0  418e9000-418f4000 rw-p 418e9000 00:00 0  41b03000-41b04000 ---p 41b03000

What can be reason for this crash and how we can prevent these crashes.

asked 23 Feb '12, 12:41

HBrener's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Feb '12, 08:57

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

First upgrade to the latest EBF. If that doesn't change anything, I would recommend to open a support case with Sybase

(23 Feb '12, 12:52) Martin

Do you have crash report submission turned on? That would also be helpful.

(23 Feb '12, 13:16) Phil Mitchell
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question asked: 23 Feb '12, 12:41

question was seen: 3,170 times

last updated: 24 Feb '12, 08:57