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I have a customer that has a database with an assertion error. The database was a mobilink remote database and has now been rebuilt and running. Due to networking problems, the bad database did not sync for 2 days. I have tried to recover by -f switch and dbunload without success. Is there anything else I need to to try or do I tell my customer to breakout the key punchers?


asked 04 Feb '12, 17:35

jimboidaho's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please tell us which build number is being used and the assertion number. Without this information we can't help much.

You may also want to look at "I've got an assertion! What should I do?" -

(04 Feb '12, 20:18) Mark Culp

I think I have been working too hard. All I had to do was translate the logs to get the missing data back. All is well.

(05 Feb '12, 18:17) jimboidaho
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question asked: 04 Feb '12, 17:35

question was seen: 1,771 times

last updated: 05 Feb '12, 18:17