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We have an SQL Anywhere 12 DB running on a Solaris server and today we noticed that the syncing of the time has never worked and the database server is showing a time 5 minutes in the future. Is there any problems with setting the time on the DB server backwards? Do you need to shut down the DB first to do this? Something tells me that in version 7 this would cause problems with checkpoints etc. I would really like to be able to just set the time without bringing down the DB as it is a 24x7 system. Version 12 has been flawless in performance for our application. It has gone 1 year without a restart so far (maybe I shouldn't have said that :) )


asked 01 Feb '12, 10:25

Codecranker's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 01 Feb '12, 10:36

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

Have you found the time syncing problem? If not, check that the ntpd daemon is running and that UDP port 123 is not blocked.

(01 Feb '12, 15:33) Graham Hurst

You should not need to shutdown the database server when you reset the computer time - the DB server should handle the time change appropriately (we have tested this situation in the past).

For the future I would recommend creating a cron job ( or other similar ntp daemon technology ) that runs regularly (e.g. once per day) to synchronize the computer time to an NTP server. Most modern computers have this set up by default but some need configuration before they actually doing anything useful (e.g. define the NTP servers that are to be used). Another thing that can cause problems is network firewalls. In any case it is always a good idea to check that your computer has the right time. :-)

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answered 01 Feb '12, 10:35

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 01 Feb '12, 15:52

If your server's clock regularly drifts into the future, you may be in for interesting times (pun intended).

At the very least, you may get a chuckle out of this:

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answered 02 Feb '12, 12:14

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

May not be that related to this, but the "last request time" in the sa_conn_info area of the database seems to be notoriously inaccurate, at least in a few of the versions of ASA that we've been using. It doesn't respond to timezone changes very easily and I have often clocked it moving into the future at around three seconds per second. Comparing last request time of your current connection to "current timestamp" often results in some rather weird answers for me...

(02 Feb '12, 13:07) Erik Anderson
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Yes, I have seen last request times in the future, most recently with a busy V9 server... rather useless when looking for long-running requests.

(02 Feb '12, 16:01) Breck Carter

Older versions of the server could produce timestamps in the RLL (and other logs) in the future if the system clock slowly drifted forward but was then reset disciplined regularly backwards. AFAIK this issue has been fixed in more recent software (but can't remember exactly when this change was implemented) - the fix was to regularly monitor the system clock and reset the DB server's internal time which used for printing timestamps to the logs.

(02 Feb '12, 17:05) Mark Culp

Willya look at that: "reset disciplined"... I didn't know anyone else was interested in BDSM actually read my stuff!

(02 Feb '12, 17:52) Breck Carter
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question asked: 01 Feb '12, 10:25

question was seen: 1,972 times

last updated: 02 Feb '12, 18:42