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Hi, I am using SQL Anywhere 9.0.2 and i have several proxy tables from an Oracle 11 database. Sometimes, the proxy tables loose (do not show) their data, like loosing connection, whereas the sybase tables seem ok (show their data) and there is no network issue. The only solution i have found is to stop and start the ASA servise and everything is back. Is there any suggestion why that happens?

asked 30 Aug '11, 15:19

APR's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Did anyone restart the Oracle database?

(30 Aug '11, 16:30) Calvin Allen

Sounds like an issue with the Oracle ODBC driver. Which Oracle driver are you using? Does the Oracle driver have a connection timeout or something? Note that you should not have to start and stop ASA to get things working again. I would think it is sufficient to simply disconnect and reconnect unless the ODBC driver is in a very strange state.

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answered 31 Aug '11, 08:28

Karim%20Khamis's gravatar image

Karim Khamis
accept rate: 40%

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question asked: 30 Aug '11, 15:19

question was seen: 3,136 times

last updated: 31 Aug '11, 08:28