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How to get more information (details) when an error occurs during creation of a tracing database?

An error occurred while attempting to unload the database 'xxx'.
***** SQL error: Syntax error near '' on line 2

How to determine what was really going wrong in the above procedure?

asked 27 Jul '11, 12:09

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

You can manually create a tracing database with dbunload -n -k.

-n ensures that no data is loaded into the tracing database (not that it would do any harm, it just consumes needless space) -k populates a table that maps schema objects from between the production and tracing databases

If you run this dbunload, you can dbinit a database and run the reload script yourself to see where the syntax error is being generated.

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answered 28 Jul '11, 22:14

Dan%20Farrar's gravatar image

Dan Farrar
accept rate: 80%

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question asked: 27 Jul '11, 12:09

question was seen: 2,250 times

last updated: 28 Jul '11, 22:14