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Hi, I create a new user in Sysbase center and define all rights for that user for all tables. Now I can logIn to system and Interactive SQL now the issue is when I try to open a table like Select * from tableName (it generate error that table does't exist) But when I try this Select * from dba.tableName (then It works fine)

Is there anything where I can add permission then it can work like select * from tablename (like when I login via dba user it do)

I check for rights and it has all the permissions which DBA user have.

Can you please solve my question it make me nuts.

Thank you for reading this.

asked 28 Jun '11, 08:18

Atif's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jun '11, 08:42

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

If DBA owns the table "tableName" and you have logged in as another user "NewUser" then NewUser will not have "tableName" in its "name scope" and therefore the database server will not find the table.

Without fully qualifying an object (e.g. table) a user will only be able to "see" objects which it owns directly or is owned by a group in which it belongs.

You can read more about groups in the documentation. In particular this section on object naming in the docs will be useful to read.

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answered 28 Jun '11, 08:40

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

Thanks for your message, I read topic and it help a lot to me. If I change DBA to group and create a new user abc and then make it member of DBA group then it works fine. Just want to confirm you if it affect other running things or not?

Thank again.

(28 Jun '11, 09:24) Atif
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What you have done should not have any affect on other running operations within the database. ... but for readability and maintainability I would recommend that you always fully qualify your objects (table names).

(28 Jun '11, 09:36) Mark Culp

Here the previous developers had coded the application so that everyone logged in as 'dba', so the name scope was not an issue. After I started we moved all the users to individual user names and passwords. Which broke all the datawindows for the same reason. We did the convert dba to a group and added the user to that group. This was approx six years ago, no issues with it so far.

(28 Jun '11, 13:07) trexco
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question asked: 28 Jun '11, 08:18

question was seen: 1,281 times

last updated: 28 Jun '11, 13:07

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