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I'm trying to set up a stored procedure that will handle calling another stored procedure that is passed in as a long varchar variable. I've been experimenting with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, but so far I'm not getting anywhere with it.

I feel like I'm missing something simple, but haven't stumbled across it yet. Is there a way to do this or do I need to change the call to use the second stored proc normally?

asked 03 Jun '11, 12:13

Darrenes's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Here is an example:

1) first create the procedure that is going to be called:

create or replace procedure callme( in @v long varchar )
    message 'callme has been called with length(v) = ' || length(@v);

2) now call the "callme" procedure using execute immediate:

    declare @bigv long varchar;

    set @bigv = repeat( 'x', 10000 );
    execute immediate 'call callme( @bigv )';

You should see in your database server console the message:

callme has been called with length(v) = 10000
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answered 03 Jun '11, 13:16

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 03 Jun '11, 13:37

You nailed exactly what I was doing wrong. I had forgotten to put the CALL in the string before I tried to execute it. I knew it was something simple I was just not seeing.

Thanks for the assist! Working great now!

(03 Jun '11, 15:09) Darrenes

If my first sample solution doesn't answer your question, here is a more elaborate example:

1) first create a few procedures that can be called:

create or replace procedure callme1( in @v long varchar )
    message 'callme1 has been called with length(v) = ' || length(@v);

create or replace procedure callme2( in @v long varchar )
    message 'callme2 has been called with length(v) = ' || length(@v);

create or replace procedure callme3( in @v long varchar )
    message 'callme3 has been called with length(v) = ' || length(@v);

2) Create a procedure that is given an integer that selects which procedure is to be called and the value that is to be passed:

create or replace procedure call_some_proc( in @i int, in @v long varchar )
    declare @stmt long varchar;
    set @stmt = 'call "callme' || @i || '"( @v )';  -- compose call statement
    execute immediate @stmt;
exception when others then
    message 'Attempt to call proc #' || @i || ' failed: ' || errormsg();

3) now try calling each of the procedures:

    declare @bigv long varchar;
    set @bigv = repeat( 'x', 10000 );
    call call_some_proc( 1, @bigv );
    call call_some_proc( 2, @bigv );
    call call_some_proc( 3, @bigv );
    call call_some_proc( 4, @bigv );  -- this will generate an error

You should see in your database server console these messages:

callme1 has been called with length(v) = 10000
callme2 has been called with length(v) = 10000
callme3 has been called with length(v) = 10000
Attempt to call proc #4 failed: Procedure 'callme4' not found
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answered 03 Jun '11, 13:34

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

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question asked: 03 Jun '11, 12:13

question was seen: 2,079 times

last updated: 03 Jun '11, 15:54