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Is a reverse index scan distinquished from an index scan in a the plan of the optimizer.

asked 23 May '11, 02:49

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

You mean when you have an index on colA ASC and the query would sort by colA DESC?

(No, I don't know the answer...)

(23 May '11, 04:00) Volker Barth
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yes, I know the "index scan" strategy in the plans of the optimizer, but will a "reverse index scan" be explicitly named?

(23 May '11, 08:04) Martin

Yes, if the optimizer chooses a reverse index plan then it will distinguish this in the plan.


create table foo( i int primary key);
insert into foo( i ) select row_num from sa_rowgenerator( 1, 999999 );
select explanation( 'select i from foo where i between 333333 and 333444 order by i asc' );
--> result is foo<foo(IO)>
select explanation( 'select i from foo where i between 333333 and 333444 order by i desc' );
--> result is foo<foo(R,IO)>

Note that the 'R' in the second plan means "reverse".

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answered 23 May '11, 10:50

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%


FWIW: I see that 'R' is missing from the [list of plan abbreviations][1] in the docs - I will ask to have it added.


(23 May '11, 10:54) Mark Culp
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question asked: 23 May '11, 02:49

question was seen: 2,070 times

last updated: 23 May '11, 10:54