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When we try to compare schema for 2 of our consolidated databases, we get an error: An unknown error has occurred. java.lang.AssertionError

Any idea how to troubleshoot further to resolve?

Thansk, Brian

asked 11 Jun, 14:22

bgreiman's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

I should mention we are using v17.0.11.7312 at each database.

(11 Jun, 14:23) bgreiman

Is there a stack that is generated?

(11 Jun, 20:30) Chris Keating

This is what shows in the UI: An unknown error has occurred. java.lang.AssertionError

In the Event Viewer: : [13136] 07:26:11 ***ERROR (:0): Java assert: Assertion in sybase.dbcloud.dbdiff.Dbdiff.getStartSyncSchemaChangeStatement(

(12 Jun, 08:30) bgreiman

If it helps, the assertion in dbdiff is "assert !schemaChangeSubscriptions.isEmpty()".

(12 Jun, 15:20) JBSchueler

Based on the location of the assertion in the code that you provided, the tool has determined that there is a difference between at least one publications that has a synchronization subscription associated with it, but when it goes to iterate through the publication to determine the exact difference so it can generate a START SYNCHRONIZATION SCHEMA CHANGE statement, it doesn't find any real differences and asserts.

We would need the reload.sql generated when you run dbunload -n against the two databases to figure out exactly what's going wrong here.


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answered 12 Jun, 15:50

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 14 Jun, 08:53


Thanks Reg! With this lead, we were able to make some adjustments to publications and synchronization subscriptions and this error does not populate now.

(14 Jun, 08:59) bgreiman
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question asked: 11 Jun, 14:22

question was seen: 259 times

last updated: 14 Jun, 08:59