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The V!6 Help topic Global variables no longer seems to exist in the V17 Help.

The closest V17 gets to describing Global Variables is on the SQL Variables page.

Note that SQL Anywhere 17 introduced this enhancement: "The UNLOAD statement now sets the @@rowcount variable to the number of rows unloaded. See UNLOAD statement."

asked 23 Aug '21, 10:02

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Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

Seems to be missing from the v17 dcx as well - so not a new problem from the look of it.

(23 Aug '21, 13:48) Justin Willey
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Yes, it's also clearly obvious when comparing the index of the (local) docs of v16 and v17 (17.0.4): Whereas v16 lists a bunch of "@@..." entries (almost 40), v17 only lists @@dbts, @@error, @@identity, @@rowcount and @@trancount, with @@identity being the only one with a particular definition...

(24 Aug '21, 02:31) Volker Barth

Yikes. It looks like the topic was "lost in the shuffle". I will let the doc team know.

(24 Aug '21, 10:14) JBSchueler
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question asked: 23 Aug '21, 10:02

question was seen: 688 times

last updated: 24 Aug '21, 10:14

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