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I have a function that automatically fetches the ECB exchange rates. In version 17.0.8, the data collection still worked. The data collection no longer works in version 17.0.10. The following error message is displayed:

The secure connection to the remote host failed. The connection was closed from the other side.
SQLCode=-990, ODBC 3 Stat=“HY000“

create function EZB_WAEHRUNGSKURSE()
returns xml
url '' 
type 'HTTP:GET' 

Does anyone knows a solution for this problem?

asked 16 Jan '20, 02:41

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edited 16 Jan '20, 03:15

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Volker Barth

See that yet unanswered FAQ - with v17.0.10 a new basic crypto library has been introduced. What happens when you explicitly provide the root certificate of the according web service instead of using the 'file=*' placeholder?

(16 Jan '20, 03:17) Volker Barth

It doesn't work either. I have tried the Path to the Certificate. I have stored the Certificate in the DB. Always the Same error.

(16 Jan '20, 06:03) Till
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Hm, it fails for me, as well, with, although I added the whole ECB certificate chain to the database... With v16, it works fine.

A very wild guess: Although v17.0.10 does no longer use OpenSSL, you might use its client to check for any issues, or possibly web client request logging (aka CALL sa_server_option('WebClientLogging', 'ON')) might help...

(16 Jan '20, 06:30) Volker Barth

Thank you for your hint. I create for each version a looginng file. I compared both logging files, they are almost the same. The only differnces is that the version 17.0.10 does not contain "socket closed by peer".

(16 Jan '20, 08:42) Till
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question asked: 16 Jan '20, 02:41

question was seen: 1,274 times

last updated: 16 Jan '20, 08:42