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One of our customers wants to replicate parts of the SQL Anywhere 16 database to a data lake (either Azure or AWS - not sure). One of the requirements is jConnect v4 drivers. I cannot find anywhere to download these drivers for SQL Anywhere 16. I have a full version on my computer and perhaps the driver is already installed? However, I dont't know where to look and what file(s) to provide to my customer. Any ideas? My customer has a full version of SQL Anywhere 16 as well (not OEM), so I guess they should have the correct license to use jConnect/JDBC.


Bjarne Anker Maritech Systems AS Norway

asked 19 Nov '19, 17:26

Bjarne%20Anker's gravatar image

Bjarne Anker
accept rate: 10%

jConnect is supported for use with SQL Anywhere but is a component of the SDK FOR SAP ASE(SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise SDK). You can obtain jConnect in the SDK which can downloaded via the SAP Software Downloads site.

(19 Nov '19, 18:54) Chris Keating


2473136 - How to download the jConnect driver for SQL Anywhere

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answered 20 Nov '19, 02:10

asa's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

I checked the note and followed the download link but neither SDK FOR ASE nor SDK FOR SAP ASE showed any result. My best guess usually is the ASE Express Edition. jConnect afaik is Pure Java, so the OS restriction of the XE shouldn't be an issue.

(20 Nov '19, 10:05) Volker DB-TecKy

Sorry... You can confirm the next SAP note.

2310113 - How to download SDK for SAP ASE from SAP One Support Launchpad

(21 Nov '19, 01:58) asa

The "SDK FOR SAP ASE" does not exist under S - SUPPORT PACKAGES & PATCHES

(21 Nov '19, 02:21) Bjarne Anker

False: 5. From the list of software, click "SDK for SAP ASE".

True: 5. From the list of software, click "SY SOFTWARE DEVELOPER KIT".

(28 Nov '19, 02:16) asa

You may want to check
This seems to work for P- Users (SAP Community Users, free registration req'ed).


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answered 20 Nov '19, 10:31

Volker%20DB-TecKy's gravatar image

Volker DB-TecKy
accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 19 Nov '19, 17:26

question was seen: 2,039 times

last updated: 28 Nov '19, 02:16