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[SQL Anywhere]

We have a single engine (dbsrv17.exe) running multiple databases. Recently we had an assertion error, with the following text appearing in the log:

E. 10/25 19:33:13. ERROR Assertion failed: 200505 ( Checksum failure on page 10798

We are not using the '-ufd' switch so based on the help file I would expect the default 'abort' value to be in place i.e. 'The affected database is stopped. The status of the database server and other databases remains unchanged.' However, what actually happened is that the engine stopped (the dbsrv17.exe process ended). It was possible to restart the engine without an assertion but I suspect at some point it will happen again.

Some questions on this:

1) Have I misunderstood the nature of this assertion and it is actually related to the engine rather than a single database?

2) Or is the default value for -ufd not working as documented?

3) Is there any way of finding out from the engine what it thinks the current -ufd value is (some undocumented server or database property)?

4) Assuming that the assertion is related to a database rather than the engine, is there any easy way of finding out which database is the cause? ('easy' being some solution other than trying to divide the databases between multiple engines and see which one fails or running dbvalid across all databases)

asked 26 Oct '18, 05:04

Luke's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

edited 28 Oct '18, 15:21

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter

Sounds like a bug but... since it is difficult ( ok, impossible for me :) to test -ufd behavior, a call to tech support may be your best approach

(28 Oct '18, 11:43) Breck Carter

There are a few hits related to that assertion in SQL Anywhere forums but they often show a database name as part of the message, such as

ERROR Assertion failed: 200505(12.0.1.xxxx)[DBNAME]

If there is not database name as part of the message, I could imagine that a server-based error has appeared (I guess the server stores internal information in pages, too.)

But note, that is a veeery wild guess.

(29 Oct '18, 04:16) Volker Barth

I've subsequently found out that when the assertion occurs the engine crashes rather than shuts down gracefully so I'm guessing the actual behaviour of -ufd is not relevant here. I'll open a case with SAP to have a look at the crash dumps.

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answered 29 Oct '18, 05:15

Luke's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

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question asked: 26 Oct '18, 05:04

question was seen: 1,499 times

last updated: 29 Oct '18, 05:15