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I'm trying to create a function that produces an output of a string in "Proper Case." I have an attempt put together from other works I've found online, but am not having success. I'm not extremely familiar with SQL Anywhere and was hoping someone could lend a hand.

Here's what I have, but it errors at line 5.

CREATE FUNCTION Proper(in @Text long varchar)
RETURNS long varchar
   declare @Reset   bit;
   declare @Ret   long varchar;
   declare @i   int;
   declare @c   char(1);

select @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = '';

while (@i <= len(@Text))
    select @c= substring(@Text,@i,1),
        @Ret = @Ret + case when @Reset=1 then UPPER(@c) else LOWER(@c) end,
        @Reset = case when @c like '[a-zA-Z]' then 0 else 1 end,
        @i = @i +1
   return @Ret;

asked 11 Apr '18, 10:02

JWise93's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Try this

CREATE FUNCTION Proper(in @Text long varchar)
RETURNS long varchar
   declare @Reset   bit;
   declare @Ret   long varchar;
   declare @i   int;
   declare @c   char(1);

   set @Reset = 1;
   set @i=1;
   set @Ret = '';

while (@i <= len(@Text)) loop
    set @c= substring(@Text,@i,1);
    set @Ret = @Ret + case when @Reset=1 then UPPER(@c) else LOWER(@c) end;
    set @Reset = case when @c like '[a-zA-Z]' then 0 else 1 end;
    set @i = @i +1;
end loop;

   return @Ret;
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answered 11 Apr '18, 10:10

Christian%20Hamers's gravatar image

Christian Ha...
accept rate: 42%


That did it, thanks a ton!

(11 Apr '18, 10:14) JWise93

This would be much faster but does not take into account that you want to keep line feeds or other special characters. Depends on your input string.

    declare theText long varchar = 'this Is my Text';
    declare theDelimiter char(1) = ' ';

    select list( theProperWords, theDelimiter order by line_num)
    from (
        select string(upper(left(row_value,1)), lower(substr(row_value,2))) theProperWords,
        from sa_split_list(theText, theDelimiter )
    ) as wordList;
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answered 12 Apr '18, 06:31

Thomas%20Duemesnil's gravatar image

Thomas Dueme...
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 11 Apr '18, 10:02

question was seen: 1,658 times

last updated: 12 Apr '18, 06:31