Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.

All the communities have been deleted, can be far behind?

Yes, yes, I've read the propaganda, all the old content has been "archived", but the effect is the same as in Raiders Of The Lost Ark...

asked 16 Oct '16, 07:37

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

edited 16 Oct '16, 07:40


Oh my god - I don't hope so!

FWIW, I have never asked a question on SCN but answered a few, even in the past weeks - it's rather irritating that those are archived now...

I have once clearly understood that the old NNTP contents was archived and not migrated to this forum, although that had once be planned - it seemed that NNTP postings and the "user concept" were rather incompatible to a Q/A format.

But I do not understand why the SCN questions are not simply migrated to the tagged space - apparently as the users are migrated. It doesn't encourage participation if one's quite new contents is silently archived.

I certainly see some usefulness in gamification, but that migration is beyond my understanding - do I now have to "go on a quest" to find previous contributions?

(16 Oct '16, 08:14) Volker Barth
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I'm sure you have better things to do, unless you were planning to republish what you find in some other, safer, format.

The really scary part of all this? That SAP heavily promoted gamification with all the enthusiasm that is now being devoted to tagging. When that enthusiasm wanes (which I predict will happen quite soon), all the new content will be archived down the memory hole with the next fad redesign.

But... I'll not be fooled again... that "new content" will not contain one single contribution from me.

(16 Oct '16, 09:48) Breck Carter

The only contribution I am willing to make to the new community is feedback about it (more critisizm than praise). As long as this forum is alive, my time is much better invested here.

(18 Oct '16, 07:17) Reimer Pods

that "new content" will not contain one single contribution from me.

Got you!: Breck, apparently you cannot stop helping folks - even on the new SCrapN site:)

(25 Oct '16, 02:50) Volker Barth

There are no current plans to discontinue, or otherwise remove the SQL Anywhere forum or the content present on it. We believe that the SQL Anywhere Forum continues to be a valuable resource to our SQL Anywhere customers, and continue to encourage its use by the SQL Anywhere community.

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answered 27 Oct '16, 10:25

Chris%20Kleisath's gravatar image

Chris Kleisath
accept rate: 37%


Thanks to "The company"!

(27 Oct '16, 10:58) Volker Barth
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That's good news

(27 Oct '16, 14:00) Justin Willey

The SQL Anywhere team has (almost?) always followed the Golden Rule: "Watcom Does Things The Way They Should Be Done."

Given that proverb and the new SCN user experience real-world lab, I can only conclude that the current forum needs to stay.

A (semi-)official statement would be worthwhile, dear folks from Waterloo...:)

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answered 25 Oct '16, 02:55

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 25 Oct '16, 02:56

FWIW, it seems that other SCN users have noticed us:)

Coffee Corner: SAP has another "forum" in the domain!

(Possibly the new SAP Community with all its tags misses one: "envy")

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answered 24 Nov '16, 04:10

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 24 Nov '16, 06:04

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question asked: 16 Oct '16, 07:37

question was seen: 7,019 times

last updated: 24 Nov '16, 06:04

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