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I have used send mail functions successfully. Now I want to receive email from a POP3 server. Am I using the wrong search terms, or is this not possible?

asked 05 Aug '16, 19:38

Bill%20Aumen's gravatar image

Bill Aumen
accept rate: 16%

POP3 was never implemented for this.

[SQL Remote has some POP3 as did MobiLink (the latter was removed in version 17) but it was not ever a feature of xp_startsmtp]

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answered 08 Aug '16, 11:52

Nick%20Elson%20SAP%20SQL%20Anywhere's gravatar image

Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

OK, thanks Nick :-(

(08 Aug '16, 12:45) Bill Aumen

You like DIY in C++, right? POCO's got some POP3 stuff... maybe even TLS/SSL support :)

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answered 08 Aug '16, 14:26

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

That looks possible. Although, I always love sticking close to what I know: much easier to debug, etc. So I'll probably first try out Roland's PB "service" library. That also has the benefit of the fact that I already have all this functionality running in PB; just wanted to make it a 24x7 service not dependent on a login.

(09 Aug '16, 10:32) Bill Aumen
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Beware of TSL/SSL, supposedly that makes life difficult, or so I've heard.

(09 Aug '16, 12:51) Breck Carter

You will need to write a static Java method to do that.


I have successfully dropped the latest JavaMail classes in a 12.0.1 database to do STARTSSL smtp support (essentially wrote a replacement for xp_sendmail() - it was less than 200 lines of code). You just have to write a class with a static method to do it and wrap it in an external function call.

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answered 10 Aug '16, 19:05

mmellon's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 05 Aug '16, 19:38

question was seen: 2,217 times

last updated: 10 Aug '16, 19:05