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I have a procedure where I have a UNC path as IN parameter. The IN paramater is handled as a varchar. I write '\\test\temp\filetest.txt'. But the path is not working in the procedure because all bakslash disappear except one? In the procedure, the path will be '\test\temp\filetest.txt'? Why, and how do I solve the problem?

asked 15 Mar '16, 17:34

Rolle's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Mar '16, 17:35

Backslashes are used to escape special characters (e.g. \n represents a newline character). When a backslash precedes a character (or character sequence) that is not a valid escaped character then the backslash is left alone.

If you intend for a backslash to not be an escape sequence in a string you need to double up the backslash.

You can read more about escape sequences in SQL strings in the documentation.


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answered 15 Mar '16, 17:48

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 16 Mar '16, 08:17

IN to the procedure is '\\test\temp\filetest.txt'. Four backslashes first and two between. That will retun '\test\temp\filetest.txt' in the procedure.

So you mean that I should write '\\\test\\temp\\filetest.txt' IN to the procedure? Six backslashes first and four between.

(16 Mar '16, 03:23) Rolle
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Four backslashes first and two between. That will retun '\test\temp\filetest.txt' in the procedure.

That's unusual, it should be used as



Do you use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE within the procedure? - If so, note that this may mean you have to "double" the doubled backslashes again or use the WITH ESCAPES OFF clause, see the cited doc page.

(16 Mar '16, 03:35) Volker Barth

It may also depend on how you call the procedure. For example, if you're calling dbisql -c ... call myproc('\\\\test\\temp\\filetest.txt') from a command shell, the command shell itself may use the same escaping. You may need to double the backslashes twice, i.e. 8 at the beginning and 4 as directory separators.

(16 Mar '16, 08:10) Graeme Perrow
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...and sometimes you can get away with using a single forward slash to represent a single back slash in a SQL Anywhere string literal. The word "sonetimes" is a warning that sometimes you are NOT coding a SQL Anywhere string literal but a Windows command string literal so your results depend on the context.

And watch out for Ba'al...

(16 Mar '16, 10:02) Breck Carter
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question asked: 15 Mar '16, 17:34

question was seen: 2,206 times

last updated: 16 Mar '16, 10:13