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Though, I recently had a referential integrity problem with a table in a different publication and All I got was a message that there is a problem with this table and the foreign key.... But I didn't know what record this is related to...

This happend on our production setup, I know I can modify the mobilink parameters for the service here and get more data , but since there are hundreds of people constantly syncing, It's really hard to start searching in the mobilink log file... also, I don't want to block the people who are succesfully syncing...

Knowing this, I tried to figure things out by debugging my application...I start a local server with following paramters in my application

            var commandline = string.Format("-c {0} -q -dl -v+", connection);
            var startServer = cli1.StartServer(3426, commandline, 5000, out st1);

So, I tried modifying the commandline parameters from for example -v+ to -vt ... But this wasn't allowed...

i finally resorted to comparing data of the remote database to the consolidated database manually.... and i found out the problem... unfortunately this took me more time than I liked...

Is there any possibility to get more details, preferably see the sql of the problem?

asked 10 Aug '15, 09:13

vdcey's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

You can add a row to the ml_property table to change the log verbosity for specific remotes or users. See

permanent link

answered 10 Aug '15, 10:46

Bill%20Somers's gravatar image

Bill Somers
accept rate: 40%

edited 10 Aug '15, 10:49

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction !

(11 Aug '15, 07:01) vdcey
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question asked: 10 Aug '15, 09:13

question was seen: 1,686 times

last updated: 11 Aug '15, 07:01