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ALTER TRIGGER "tr_part_in" after insert order 2 on dba.part
referencing new as new_part
for each row
  declare @count long  varchar;
  select product_code,parent_id,n22,@count
    from Z_product_Pachufaqi
   where Z_product_Pachufaqi.product_code=new_part.product_code;    --Assignment @count        
  when (new_part.location_id='CP' and  @count='' )    --  Whether thecontent is empty
    Raiserror 30002 'Please select the correct category';    --  This operation not permitted
  end case;


SQLSTATE = 07005 [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Result set not permitted in 'tr_part_in'

No changes made to database.

INSERT INTO "part" (

asked 03 Aug '14, 04:46

mfkpie8's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

edited 03 Aug '14, 15:15

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

You select statement is generating a result set and you have not 'stored' it anywhere - i.e. you need to put it into a temporary table (or a variable if the result set is a single row). You need to do this because a result set cannot be propagated outside of the trigger.

Put another way: A trigger cannot generate/propagate a result set.

From the comment in the code it looks like you are trying to assign @count with a value ... but I do not know which value you want to assign it with. See the documentation on the SELECT statement, and in particular the "INTO clause".

Fix the select statement and your problem will be fixed.

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answered 03 Aug '14, 15:22

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

Comment Text Removed
select @count=count() from Z_product_Pachufaqi where Z_product_Pachufaqi.product_code=new_part.product_code;

case when (new_part.location_id='CP' and @count=0 ) -- Whether thecontent is empty then

Raiserror 30002 'Please select the correct category'; -- This operation not permitted else end case; end

New_part.product_code exists in the new_part.product_code,if there do not exist then not

allowed to write to the database

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answered 04 Aug '14, 02:04

mfkpie8's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

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question asked: 03 Aug '14, 04:46

question was seen: 2,538 times

last updated: 04 Aug '14, 02:04