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I am trying to create a script to run scripts from a file and would like to be able to declare a "rootDirectory" variable. Example:

DECLARE @rootDir VARCHAR(255) = 'D:\MyScriptDir\Dev\';
READ @rootDir + 'MyDevScript1.sql';
READ @rootDir + 'MyDevScript2.sql';
-- etc..

I keep getting a syntax error and can't figure out where/what it is?

asked 02 Jun '14, 15:55

jkim's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The READ statement is a client-side dbisql[c] statement and cannot be used in a server-side batch or procedure.

Try using xp_read_file or read_client_file. xp_read_file() will read a file on the server, while read_client_file() will read a file on the client (but the data is automatically sent to the server). See the docs for more information and examples.


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answered 02 Jun '14, 16:09

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

As Mark indicates, you can't do exactly what you are asking, but perhaps you can do what you want with the PARAMETERS statement; see READ and PARAMETERS.

Here's an example...


   -c "ENG=ddd16; DBN=ddd16; UID=dba; PWD=sql"^
   READ ENCODING Cp1252 "master.sql" [c:/temp/]


READ '{rootDir}MyDevScript1.sql';
READ '{rootDir}MyDevScript2.sql';


MESSAGE 'MyDevScript1.sql has been executed.' TO CONSOLE;


MESSAGE 'MyDevScript2.sql has been executed.' TO CONSOLE;

dbsrv16 console output...

MyDevScript1.sql has been executed.
MyDevScript2.sql has been executed.
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answered 02 Jun '14, 16:46

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

Breck, it looks like you're right. I'm still getting a syntax error using "read_client_file()" it seems that any declared variable is being treated as a literal. The problem is that I need the script to be as simple and straight forward as possible without having to run/maintain external batch files.

(02 Jun '14, 17:00) jkim
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If you are having a problem with read_client_file(), please post your exact code in a new question, along with the exact error message.

(02 Jun '14, 17:17) Breck Carter
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question asked: 02 Jun '14, 15:55

question was seen: 3,051 times

last updated: 02 Jun '14, 17:17