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I try to send email from SQL Anywhere but xp_startsmtp return code 100 (Socket error). I closed firewall and antivirus.

li_ret = CALL  xp_startsmtp( 
    smtp_sender = ''
    , smtp_server = ''
    , smtp_port = 25
    , timeout = 60
    , smtp_auth_username = ''
    , smtp_auth_password = 'password'

asked 17 Feb '14, 08:11

eraqaty's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Feb '14, 09:33

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

I'm afraid there isn't much I can tell you. SA 12 didn't have much in the way of diagnostics for the mail routines. In SA 16, you can get more detailed error messages.

As a test, start a command prompt and see if you can run 'telnet 25'. If you successfully connect, then the problem is within SQL Anywhere.

permanent link

answered 17 Feb '14, 08:36

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow
accept rate: 54%

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question asked: 17 Feb '14, 08:11

question was seen: 1,942 times

last updated: 17 Feb '14, 09:33