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The application interacts with the database by ODBC. The user runs an application on a terminal server.
User and terminal server are placed in different time zones.
In the user's session on the terminal server clock shows user’s current local time. This is done using [enable the Allow Time Zone Redirection Group Policy setting](
Is it possible that SELECT CONNECTION_PROPERTY( 'TimeZoneAdjustment' ) also "shows" the user’s current local time?
P.S. Now SELECT CONNECTION_PROPERTY( 'TimeZoneAdjustment' ) "shows" the terminal server’s current local time.

asked 31 Oct '13, 12:05

Ilia63's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

edited 01 Nov '13, 05:07

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question asked: 31 Oct '13, 12:05

question was seen: 1,016 times

last updated: 01 Nov '13, 05:07