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I recently deployed an application using SQL Anywhere v with the .Net Dataprovider and using Entity Framework 5.

Since deployment a few days ago I've noticed that I'm intermittently getting the following error - iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.SAException: Run time SQL error -- *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 104909 ([] Invalid request on pooled connection

Here is the complete stack trace -

So far I haven't been able to find any details on what the potential cause of this may be as I am wrapping my context's in using blocks.

Like I said earlier, its only happened a total of 3 times, but I'd prefer to get to the bottom of this before things potentially get out of hand. Thanks in advance.

asked 16 Oct '13, 14:28

elindalyne's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This is a known issue. This can potentially happen if you have a newer version of the database server than the ADO.NET provider.

Specifically, CR #742355 is implemented on the database server (the server is a higher build than or, but CR #741707 is not implemented on the ADO.NET provider (the ADO.NET provider is a lower version than or

Deploying the same version of the ADO.NET provider to match the database server version (e.g. to the client should resolve this issue.

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answered 16 Oct '13, 14:46

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

edited 16 Oct '13, 14:48


Thanks for the info! We updated the data provider within the application and so far we haven't seen anymore connection pooling errors.

(17 Oct '13, 10:26) elindalyne

I had the same exception with EF6, Server, Ado.NET Provider ?, but in my case it was caused by different threads accessing the same db context which of course is not supported. The scenario can easily be reproduced by starting several threads accessing the same context.

(02 Dec '14, 02:53) dIeGoLi

Same error with driver version and db version Any suggestion?

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answered 16 Nov '15, 03:22

shs4u's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


> Any suggestion?

Yes. Please make the effort to start a new question, with all the supporting information (error message, etcetera). It is unlikely to be the "Same error" because the other error has a solution.

(16 Nov '15, 07:56) Breck Carter
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question asked: 16 Oct '13, 14:28

question was seen: 4,472 times

last updated: 16 Nov '15, 07:58