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We are using sql anywhere 12

We often get data provided to us for conversion to the database where they have text fields which contain comma separated values. Other than writing a application program to parse these out, is there any SQL that can parse a comma separated value into multiple rows a another table with reference to the source key.

If not in SA 12 - is there functionality in SA16?

asked 15 Oct '13, 14:14

Glenn%20Barber's gravatar image

Glenn Barber
accept rate: 8%

Have a look at sa_split_list. The second parameter allows you to specify the delimiter - the default is a comma.


select * from sa_split_list( 'one,two,three' );

gives this result set:

line_num row_value
       1 one
       2 two
       3 three

sa_split_list has existed since at least v8 version 10.

permanent link

answered 15 Oct '13, 14:28

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

edited 15 Oct '13, 15:24


AFAIK, sa_split_list() has been officially added in v10.0.0:)

(15 Oct '13, 15:10) Volker Barth
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Hmmm, looks like you are correct - see the What's New in version 10.0.0. I guess I was using it for many years before it became part of the product ;-)

(15 Oct '13, 15:22) Mark Culp
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question asked: 15 Oct '13, 14:14

question was seen: 2,170 times

last updated: 15 Oct '13, 15:24