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In the document below, there is a list of UL and ULJ database limitations.

Since UL and ULJ have now the same dbms code, does it mean that the features of UL and ULJ are same but limitations may vary depending on the platform?

Best regards, Mustafa

asked 26 Jul '13, 02:12

m_kutlu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The limitations for UltraLiteJ for Android match those for UltraLite since that is used as the underlying database system in that case. There may be some variance in these depending on the platform, as you said.

On the other hand, UltraLiteJ for Blackberry and J2SE use a Java implementation of the database system, and the limitations described in the documentation for UltraLiteJ apply.

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answered 26 Jul '13, 09:18

Andy%20Quick's gravatar image

Andy Quick
accept rate: 45%


Just to add to Andy's answer and clarify some confusing terminology: we have tried in the documentation to use "UltraLiteJ" to describe the API and "UltraLite Java Edition" to name the Java DBMS implementation. On BlackBerry and J2SE the UltraLiteJ API talks to the UltraLite Java Edition DBMS code, but on Android the UltraLiteJ API talks to the regular UltraLite (C) DBMS code.

(29 Jul '13, 09:33) Tom Slee
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question asked: 26 Jul '13, 02:12

question was seen: 2,060 times

last updated: 29 Jul '13, 09:33