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SQL Anywhere Version 12 Build 3873

I have a database with ASA proxy tables in it. When my app starts up the connection to the remote server does not immediately start up (This is good).. When I execute the 1st query that uses the proxy table the remote server connects(This is good)... The question I have is that after these queries on the proxy table are finished I need to have the connection the remote server closed via a function call in my app.

I am copy data to the remote server database (insert .. select) , once this copy is done my application packages the db file up for delivery. With the connection still active the file is locked down so I can not do the additional processing.

All connections are using ODBC via a C++ application.

Thanks TPS

asked 19 Jul '13, 18:36

TPS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I believe the statement that you are looking for is

alter server server_name connection close

Documentation is here.

permanent link

answered 19 Jul '13, 19:23

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

Yes, I just found the syntax. I was tripped up a little to begin with because when I ran it in ISQL while my app was at a breakpoint it did not indicate that the connection was closed. But placing it in code everything appears to work.

(19 Jul '13, 19:25) TPS
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question asked: 19 Jul '13, 18:36

question was seen: 5,218 times

last updated: 19 Jul '13, 21:52