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We got an new DELL MD1000 storage (with 15 SAS 15Krpm 146gb hds) for our database server.

What raid partitions can you suggest me?
We are think this:
2 disks in mirror raid for temp
3 disks in raid 5 for mirror-log
3 disks in raid 5 for log
7 diks in raid 10 for database files

Is an good setup? Does we need to change that?

asked 30 Nov '09, 17:46

Zote's gravatar image

accept rate: 43%

edited 30 Nov '09, 19:59

It seems pretty solid. You may want to think about where the Windows paging file is going to go - its own RAID 1 perhaps.

There may be no point going for RAID 5 for the log files. Log files mainly get written to, where RAID 5 carries a penalty, you could just go for RAID 1 there as well. If the disk system is mirroring the log file, I'm not sure if its necessary to have a mirror log file as well, its another task the database server has to do - maybe someone else could comment on this?

If there are savings to be made on disks, you could allocate more disks to the RAID 10 for more stripes or just get more and faster RAM (assuming you are on 64-bit).

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answered 30 Nov '09, 19:18

Justin%20Willey's gravatar image

Justin Willey
accept rate: 20%

edited 30 Nov '09, 20:35

Nice answer! System is x64 with 16gb of ram (10 alloced to db server)

(30 Nov '09, 19:59) Zote
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question asked: 30 Nov '09, 17:46

question was seen: 2,601 times

last updated: 30 Nov '09, 20:35