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Hi all SQL Anywhere 8.0

I am using the following SQL successfully

SELECT cr_no, dated, height, weight FROM malaviya_vitals WHERE cr_no IN ( 
SELECT cr_no FROM mal_diagnosis WHERE mal_diagnosis.diag_code LIKE 
M05.%'  ) order by cr_no, dated; 

with a result set of 6605 rows

However I want to refine the result set a little more to get only the weight and height data of this group of patients only the first time the patient was seen. [dated = MIN (dated)] Need help to construct the exact syntax (should lead to a total of around 1215 rows = no. of patients with diag_code M05.---)

Any help will be appreciated


asked 15 Feb '13, 06:54

gogia7's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Feb '13, 09:23

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter

Try adding the following subquery to the outer WHERE clause:

AND dated = ( SELECT MIN( t.dated )
              FROM malaviya_vitals AS t
              WHERE t.cr_no = malaviya_vitals.cr_no )
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answered 15 Feb '13, 15:24

Graham%20Hurst's gravatar image

Graham Hurst
accept rate: 29%

You could also try: SELECT cr_no, min(dated) as theDated, height, weight FROM malaviya_vitals WHERE cr_no IN ( SELECT cr_no FROM mal_diagnosis WHERE mal_diagnosis.diag_code LIKE ''%M05.%'' ) group by cr_no, height, weight order by cr_no, theDated

This will create a worktable as part of the query optimisation, but if your caching is sufficient and fast enough, your performance should be good too.

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answered 17 Feb '13, 23:36

Liam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I think that gives a row for the earliest date of each unique (cr_no, height, weight) combination, rather than only a row for the first time each patient was seen.

(19 Feb '13, 10:56) Graham Hurst
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question asked: 15 Feb '13, 06:54

question was seen: 1,507 times

last updated: 19 Feb '13, 10:58